Debate Oratorical Society
The St. Anthony’s Canossian Secondary School’s Debate and Oratorical Society’s rich debating history started with a group of students who expressed their interest in engaging in lively debate. From there on, the society has stayed true to its original calling, to hone public speaking and debating skills in members of the CCA. Today, our members actively participate in oratorical competitions, debates and scrabble competitions. In 2017, we were Champions of the Under 14, Silver Division Debate organised by the Raffles Debate Academy. In 2019 our Upper Secondary members achieved the 2nd Runner up position at the ACJC Orators Trophy Competition.
Our members also play a key role as student emcees at the various school events such as the Champion’s Award Ceremony and the various Parents’ Evening. Thinking on their feet coupled with the active pursuit of current affairs and general knowledge, members are constantly challenged to excel in the acquisition of knowledge and skills in the public speaking arena.