English Language & Literature
The English Language and Literature (EL/Lit) Department aims to develop our learners into Empathetic Communicators, Discerning Readers and Creative Inquirers. These competencies are developed through the explicit instruction of skills and knowledge to build a strong foundation in the language, and exposure to a rich language environment.
In English Language lessons, language skills are explored within the context of contemporary issues that affect Singapore and the world. This provides an authentic learning experience for every student. Apart from acquiring reading, writing, speaking and listening skills, the contemporary issues discussed also support the development of SACSS students into concerned global citizens and active and adaptive contributors.
As part of the Literature curriculum, students explore texts from a wide range of periods and cultures, giving them the opportunity to be empathetic and global thinkers. Students also get to showcase their learning in alternative ways like reflecting on a text, diary entries, and even short performances.
With a student-centric approach to our curriculum, every student will have the opportunity to explore their potential and grow their interest in both the English Language and Literature subjects.